@everyone Hey Guys.

01 Sep 2022, 01:52
@everyone Hey Guys! I know the recent changes, particularly the EZ-mining change, has sparked a lot of debate over the last couple weeks! The mod team has forwarded everyone's concerns and suggestions to the Deeper Team. Deeper wants to ensure the community is happy, while also ensuring the sustainability of the project. I'm going to go over a few key points and what's going on with each of them so that we can all rest a bit easier knowing what's going on. Firstly the Genesis rewards - The current mining rate will last till December 1st 2022 at which point a halving will occur. This is still being discussed and could change more for the better. Will know by Oct. EZ mining and NPoW has been pushed back till at least Oct to re-evaluate the reward structure and allow for more testing to take place to ensure its a smooth transition. Credit score will still have its place in EZ-mining. Higher credit scores will make it easier for users to win NPoW tasks. The current validators are just there to run the chain and all their rewards will be burnt once the new validator system is in play. actual validators rewards will be much lower. Version 4 of the Polkadot council is set to come out soon. We are holding off on council until we have had the chance to test and implement v4. Afterwards the council aspect will come into play, giving the community the chance to vote and propose changes.